Morning Arrival Times from 7:00 - 7:30 am
Classes begin at 7:30 am
- Please have your child ready to hop out in the mornings as soon as the car stops.
- Always unload at curb side.
- Please always drive as far as you can in the line before you stop.
- If your child is having difficulty, please pull into the parking lot so that you do not hold up the line for everyone else.
- For safety reasons, please refrain from rolling down the window and talking to your child as he/she walks to the doors.
- A single file line is much faster for everyone. Please be courteous to the drivers already in line and simply file in behind the last car.
- If driving east to MSE please remain in the right lane down Reunion Parkway.
- If driving west to MSE please remain in the left lane down Reunion Parkway.
- If driving to MSE from Lake Village Drive turn left onto Reunion Parkway and file in alternating with traffic.
Afternoon dismissal at 2:30 pm
- In the afternoons, please have your child's carpool numbered tag hanging in your windshield.
- Carpool tags are required to pick up in the car rider line.
- Always remember to drive to the end of the loop and stop.
- Please do not walk to the back door to pick up children in the afternoon.
- To maintain the highest safety for all, children will only be dismissed to parents in vehicles with school issued carpool tag.
Car Rider Traffic Map Link