Velma Jackson High School Media Center
Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
(Extended hours upon request)
Library Mission Statement:
The mission of the Velma Jackson High School Library Media Program is to ensure that students are effective users of ideas and information. The library media center strives to provide the school community with a wide range of materials on appropriate levels of difficulty to create lifelong readers, critical thinkers, skillful researchers, ethical users, and producers of information in a global society.
“The library is considered a resource room with visual and written materials. The librarian is present to assist students in finding necessary materials and in completing assignments. Fines for damaged books and materials will be assessed upon examination of the items by the librarian. Full replacement costs must be paid to replace lost materials. End-of-the-year report cards of those students who owe library fines will be held in the school office until all fines are paid.” From MCSD Handbook
Our school district’s goal is to motivate, educate, and graduate every student.
Library Policy
Students are allowed to use the library before school, during Break & after school when available.
Students visiting the media center should sign in and out in the notebook on the circulation desk unless accompanied by a class.
The Library observes the 20/20 rule which states: Students are NOT allowed out of class the first 20 minutes and the last 20 minutes of each block.
Students must have an official VJ hall pass to enter the library during the school day. I request that the pass include the student's name, teacher's name, date, time and reason for coming to the library.
No more than 3 students from a class may be sent to the media center at one time. We reserve the right to suspend this privilege when classes are scheduled in the media center.
Students who are not working on an assignment or checking out a book may be asked to return to class.
Students who are disrupting others may be asked to return to class if they fail to correct after the 1st warning.
No food or drink is permitted. (Exceptions: school sponsored functions and drinks/water bottles with screwed tops)
Do not sit on tables or on the circulation desk
Circulation Policy
Students may check out 2 library books at a time for a period of two weeks. They may recheck the book(s) if no one else has requested it.
Students will be charged book fines at the replacement cost of any books not returned in good condition at the end of the school year.
Students will not be charged daily fines for late books.
Reference books and magazines may not be checked out.
Computer (MacBooks) Usage
MacBooks are issued to students and school employees to use throughout the year. If there is a problem, please stop by the Library for assistance to meet with the librarian or district computer technician.
Loaners will ONLY be issued to students if computers are being repaired. Loaners must be returned when assigned devices have returned from repairs. Failure to return the Loaner in a timely manner will result in failure of loaner privileges.
Teachers will be eligible to checkout a loaner if they left their assigned MacBook at home.
Students are not permitted to play games, shop, or access videos while in the library.
Patrons will be charged fines if MacBooks are lost or damaged. Fines are also assessed for missing components.
Students will not be charged fees for printing documents that are required for school assignments.
Teachers must receive prior approval from school administration before requesting posters from the Poster Maker.
Teachers' Information
If you would like to schedule the use of the library for research or instruction, please inform Mrs. Berry as soon as possible to ensure an open date. Please be reminded that the scheduling teacher must accompany the class. If assistance is needed, please submit a copy of the assignment to the media specialist prior to the class.
If library is scheduled for instruction or an event, the library will not allow walk-ins for checkout or another class.
If you are planning on assigning any outside research or reading, please inform the media specialist ahead of time. That will allot time for materials to be reserved. This will also allow the librarian to schedule time for students to come print or research.
You are always welcome to use the media center before and after school and during your planning period. If you need to come earlier than 7:45 or stay later than 3:45, please contact Mrs. Berry as soon as possible to make arrangements.
Teachers may check out books for as long as they are needed. Please remember that you will be held accountable for any lost or damaged books even if it is a class set which may be given to a student
Teachers may also check out equipment through the media center. Available equipment includes: tape players, CD players, DVD/VCR players, projectors, etc.
Teachers should only send 3 students at a time to the media center with a note stating the student(s) name(s), time, date and reason for the visit. Students visiting the media center should sign in and out at the circulation desk unless accompanied by a class.
The librarian does have the discretion to ask students to leave the media center and return to class/study hall. This can be done if: There is already a class in the media center, the media center is needed for another event, the student is misbehaving, or the student is not using the media center for reading/checkout.
The media center purchases books and audiovisual items each school term to enhance the curriculum and instructional needs of the school (teachers & students). To ensure that the books and materials meet your needs, we would appreciate your requests. Request may be emailed or please complete a form on your next trip to the media center