• The ABC's of HES

    (Or Everything I Needed to Know About HES)

    The ABC’s of Highland Elementary


    Absences-Excessive absences hinder a child’s progress.  If your child is absent, you must send a note to the school when he/she returns.  If your child was absent due to illness and visited a doctor, please bring a doctor’s excuse to return to school.   Please make sure all notes include your child’s name, teacher’s name, date of absence, and the reason for the absence.   These notes are kept in the student’s permanent record. 

    Accelerated Reading – The Accelerated Reading program is a program which allows a student to pick a book on his/her reading level and then following reading that book take a test which will see how well he comprehends what he/she read.    Points are awarded based on how well they score on the test.     Students who achieve 40 points in a nine week period and have an AR test average of 80% or better earn an AR “dog tag” and their photo on the Highland Wall of Fame.

    Active Parent Online - This online login allows you to view your child's averaged grades as well as absences.    To participate you must complete the appropriate paperwork with the school attendance secretary.

    Attendance-We know that you will make regular school attendance  a high priority in your home.   As Dr. Stone always tells our Titans:  "Our teachers can't teach an empty chair!"      Another reason your child's attendance is so important is because our school is funded based on Average Daily Attendance (ADA).     What does that mean?     Basically, The Department of Education won't fund the school for your child being at home.     Regular school attendance is essential for your child to make the most of his/her education.  Please make every effort to have your child at school everyday.


    Assessment-We use several instruments to assess students during each nine weeks period.   We give the MCT State Tests the first week of May.    Report card assessment is done nine weeks.

    Arrival-Your child should come to school no earlier than 7:00 A.M. and no later than 7:40 A.M.   Your child should be dropped off at the front of the school and then he/she walks to the cafeteria.  Teachers on duty will dismiss the students from the cafeteria and they walk with their classmates to the classroom.    Students arriving after 7:40 A.M.  will need to be walked in by their parent to signed in and receive a tardy slip.

    Awards Assemblies- An award assembly will be held for the fifth grade “graduating” class during the month of May.   Parents will be notified by letter of the date and time of the assembly.


    Be ye kind to one another!

    Bus-Students are eligible to ride the bus if you live two miles from school.  Bus registration forms must be filled out completely and signed by the parents.  ALL STUDENTS MUST BE REGISTERED TO RIDE THE BUS.  Riding the school bus is a privilege and improper behavior will not be tolerated.    Questions about your child’s bus can be directed to FIRST STUDENT at 601-853-1639.

    Birthdays-We very much appreciate how important birthdays are to children.     However, please do not send birthday invitations to school to be passed out. 

    Book Orders- Some of our teachers participate in the Scholastic book club which offers you the opportunity to purchase books at a discounted rate for your child.    Check your child’s backpack to see if your child’s teacher offers this opportunity.

    Backpacks-Your child has now entered school where they will be carrying textbooks to and from school.   A quality backpack is very important.    Your child’s backpack should be big enough to hold a pocket folder.  Backpacks help your child carry folders, notes, projects, and books to and from school.  Please check your child’s backpack DAILY.  Rolling backpacks are not allowed unless necessitated by a physical condition which must be accompanied by a doctor's prescription.

    Breakfast-Breakfast is served beginning at 7:15 A.M. each morning.  The cost of breakfast is $1.00 and reduced breakfast is $0.30.  Parents are encouraged to pre-pay their meals by sending a check or money to the cafeteria.


    Carpool-Carpool is conducted around the front driveway.    Mrs. Bass and Mrs. R. Smith are the carpool monitors who assist students and monitor traffic.    Our carpool process is flawless and if you follow their directions you will be in and out faster than a Nascar pit stop.

    Classroom rules are at the discretion of each individual teacher. Generally, students should follow directions, raise their hands for recognition before speaking, return completed assignments on time, and bring all necessary materials to class.

    Clothing-Please dress your child in clothing that is comfortable as well as appropriate.   Madison County School District has a dress code that will be enforced.  Highland Elementary dress code also includes the requirement that young men wear their shirts tucked in at all times.    It is a good idea to label all coats and sweaters.

    Conferences-Teacher conferences will be scheduled with parents throughout the school year.  If you feel the need to have a conference with your teacher,  please call the school or send a note to make arrangements for scheduling a conference.  Each teacher’s conference days and times are different.  

    Computers-Highland Elementary has a computer lab equipped with brand new Gateway computers which is taught by Mrs. James.    Your child will be taught the proper way to use a computer and then be taught to use the educational software. 

    Calendar-A monthly calendar will be sent home to let you know the activities that will take place during the month.

    Classroom Website- This website is striving to create a webpage/classnotes for each teacher in our school.    Please check out the faculty page to see what is going on in your teacher’s classroom.  Please tell all of your family and friends so that they can see what we are doing in class.

    Communication- Each Thursday, your child will come home with his/her Thursday folder which will be full of announcements and weekly papers. Please review each piece, reading carefully any information pertaining to school activities. Sign and return the papers with your child the following day - sending back any requested paperwork.

    Any information sent home classrooms must have prior approval from the principal and/or PTO president. Be sure to include your name and phone number on the flyer.

    In addition, PTO provides a monthly Newsletter. Please read it thoroughly, as it is not limited to PTO-only news - but contains valuable information about the school, the district and the community. For deadlines and information, email the PTO.


    Dress Code-Students should be dressed in accordance to the Madison County District dress code which is clearly defined in the handbook.   

    Dismissal-Dismissal is at 2:15 P.M.    If there is a change in the way your child is to go home in the afternoon, please send a written note to your child’s teacher in the morning or call the office by 1:30 P.M.


    Early Dismissal-Several times a year HES will have an early dismissal (i.e. Christmas and the last day of school).  Please check your school calendar as well as the school newsletter for specifics on these dates and times of dismissal.

    Emergency Cards-Your child will have an emergency card on file in the school office.  A completed and up to date card including at least two working phone numbers is required in order to contact parents in case of illness or emergency.  



    Field Trips-Each grade level will take at least one field trip during the year.  A signed permission slip and behavior contract will be required anytime that we will be taking a bus for a field trip.  If we do not receive these forms by the printed deadline, your child will not be allowed to go with the class.

    Fire Drills-Your child will participate in frequent fire drills throughout the year.  We will practice the procedures before our first fire drill so that your child will be prepared.

    First Student - The name of the company contracted to run our buses.  If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please contact them at 601-859-1633.

    Fund Raisers-Our school participates in several fund raisers throughout the year to raise money for various things for our school.  Currently our PTO fundraisers include:  Sally Foster, Chef Co. Cookie Dough, Kid’s Art note cards, and collecting Boxtops 4 Education.   We hope that everyone can participate, but it is not required.


    Guidance-Our school counselor, Penny Tumminello, will conduct classroom guidance in the classroom setting.


    Head Lice - Invariably during the year some children get lice in their hair. Please tell the school office or teacher immediately if you suspect your child has contracted head lice. If discovered at school, you will be contacted right away and asked to take your child home to treat. A summary of the most effective treatment is given to parents. All other parents in the class are notified of a current case. Students having lice are not allowed to return to school until all lice and nits are removed.

    Homework- Yes!   We have it!     Check our Links section for some great grade level homework help websites.   Homework is given to establish the practice of good study habits and to help students develop and reinforce the basic skills taught in the classroom.

    Handwriting-We use D’Nealian handwriting and cursive at Highland Elementary. 


    Immunizations-All students must be immunized against certain diseases or must present a statement that the student should not be immunized.  Proof of immunizations must be presented to the school within 30 days of enrollment. 

    Illness-Please do not send your child to school if he/she has a temperature.  If your child becomes ill at school, you will be called to come and get your child.  We need at least two working phone numbers at all times in order to contact you in case of illness or emergency.

    Internet-We will use the Internet as a research tool while working on projects throughout the year.    Madison County has appropriate student filters on the school computers.


    Library-We have a scheduled library time every other week; however, students are allowed to return and check out new books as they finish. 

    Lunch-The cost of lunch is $2.25.  If you would like to purchase a lunch and eat with your child, the cost is $3.00.  You are welcome to come and eat with your child.  Please sign in at the office and wait for your child in the foyer.     Please remember that, in accordance with MS law, fast food is strictly forbidden in the cafeteria.


    MCT - These are the state tests which every student at HES will take the first week of May.     The tests cover language, reading and mathematics.

    Medication –If your child needs to have medication during the school day, whether on a temporary or regular basis, there is a form available in the office for your to fill out which will allow us to administer the proper medication.   Please supply the school with a bottle of medication labeled by the pharmacist. Non-prescription medicine may be administered with a parent note. All medicines - including asthma inhalers - must be kept in the office.   School policy does not allow students to keep medication on their personal property.


    Newsletter-A PTO newsletter is published each month.  It will contain information about our PTO events, upcoming school events, classroom activities, announcements, and birthdays. 

    Notes-Look for notes from the office and from your teacher to come home in your child’s take-home folder. 


    Outside-Your child will have outside time, weather permitting.  Please dress your child appropriately for the weather.


    Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence-Each morning we will recite the pledge of allegiance to the United States and Mississippi flags and observe one minute of silence.

    Physical Education-  Have you child wear flexible, non-skid shoes and dress in comfortable clothing for P.E.   Your child is required to participate in P.E. activities unless they have a valid excuse from a parent or doctor. If your child needs to be excused, please provide a note for the teacher, stating the reason.

    Parent Involvement-We love Parent Involvement!  We encourage you to join our PTO and be as involved in your child’s school year as much as you can. 

    Parties-There are two District approved parties for each school year:   Christmas and Valentine.  The room parent for your classroom will contact you to help with our celebrations. 

    Plays-One of the highlights of the year are the grade level plays which are presented by Helen Bass, our Music Department Teacher and our students.     Parents are always amazed at the student’s presentations of the Christmas program, Peter and the Wolf, the Mississippi play and others.

    Progress Reports - These reports are sent out halfway through each nine week grading period.   

    PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization)-All parents are encouraged to join the school’s PTO.   


    Questions-Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education.


    Report Cards-We are on a nine-week grading period.  Your child will receive a report card each nine-weeks.   At that time, I will have a scheduled conference to discuss your child’s strengths and weaknesses. 

    3 R’s:  Respect for yourself, Respect for others, and Personal Responsibility.

    Room Parents-If you would like to be a room parent, please join the PTO and mark the appropriate box on the PTO sign up form.    

    Read-Reading is a HUGE part of our school.   Read to your child daily and let your children see you reading daily. 

    Restrooms-We have restrooms on each classroom hall and restrooms breaks are planned into each day.     However, emergencies do arise and your child is allowed to go when needed.


    Safety-Your child’s safety is top priority.  We take every precaution when your child is in our care.  Please send a note with your child or call the school if he/she is to go home a different way.  

    School Supplies-You can find our school supply list here: 

    Sometimes we run out of certain items and you may be asked to replace supplies during the year.

    Schedule-Check your teacher’s individual page to see what their daily schedule is like.

    Shoes-It is very important to wear comfortable shoes.  Tennis shoes are mandatory for p.e. and music. 

    Spelling Bee – The Madison County Spelling Bee is held in the spring with preliminary rounds open to all fourth and fifth graders.   The school champion may continue on to a regional competition and beyond.   

    Super Titan-Each month a party is given for the students chosen who best represent that month’s Chick-Fil-A Core Essential.


    T.B.Y.A.   Think before you act!

    Tardies-Students late to school (after 7:40 A.M.) are considered tardy.  Three tardies are equal to one absence.

    Teacher Appreciation Lunch – Each month the PTO sponsors a teacher appreciation lunch to show our appreciation for the hard work and dedication to our school.     Each class in the school is asked to help supply food for one of these lunches during the year.

    Titans - Our school mascot!!

    Transportation-If your child will be going home a different way than what is in your child’s file, you MUST call the school by 1:30 p.m. or send a note in your child’s folder.  Your child will not be allowed to go with another adult or a different way unless the school has been notified.

    Thursday Folders-Our take-home folders are sent home on Thursday.  Notes from the school or from teachers will come home in these folders.  Please check all papers, sign all appropriate items and return on Friday.


    Visitors-All visitors must sign in at the front office and receive a visitors pass.   

    Volunteers-The PTO very much needs and appreciates volunteers.  Contact us:  PTO


    Yearbook-The yearbook is produced by PTO volunteers.   They are generally available to purchase in October/November.  They will be delivered in the spring.    What better way to capture those elementary years than with a HES yearbook.


    ZZZZ’s-Your child should get plenty of rest each night.  Elementary students require 8-10 hours of sleep a day.  It is so important for your child to be alert and ready to learn each day.  Set a bedtime and be consistent.