Welcome to Mrs. White’s English III Class!
Classroom supplies-Please consider donating the following supplies to our classroom: paper towels, tissues, disinfectant wipes, and hand sanitizer.
This is not required, but you will receive BONUS points added to the lowest test grade for donated items. 1 item = 5 points. You may bring up to 3 items per 9 weeks.
Classroom Expectations and Behavior Guidelines
Every time that you come to this class, you are expected to do the following:
1. Respect your teacher, peers, and all property.
2. Follow ALL handbook rules, including but not limited to the following statements:
You will not be allowed to wear hoods, hats, or blankets as stated in the school handbook.
Headphone/earbud usage is prohibited unless I give you permission during a specific activity. Do not wear them as an accessory.
All cell phone use is prohibited during instructional time. Make sure that all prohibited devices are kept secure - out of sight and out of touch.
3. Be present, on time, and in your assigned seat at the start of each class. When you enter the classroom, please quickly and quietly gather any supplies that you may need (pencils, paper, journals, etc.) and begin working on your Titan Blaster.
4. Be prepared: MacBook (with enough charge) and other supplies
5. Stay on task, follow directions, and complete your work.
6. If you need help or don’t understand, please ask for assistance. I can’t help you if I don’t know you need it! :)
7. Stay seated while I am actively teaching, during student presentations, and during tests/quizzes. While working on independent or group assignments, you have permission to quietly get up to throw items away, sharpen your pencils, and gather other necessary supplies without asking. However, if your class shows me that you cannot handle that freedom, I will begin requiring you to ask for permission.
8. Do your own work (academic honesty). If you “share” or accept any work from other students, both will receive a zero.
9. Wait to be dismissed by the teacher at the end of the period. No loitering around the door.
10. Check your area before leaving the classroom and throw away your trash on your way out.
- Grades will be based on homework, in-class assignments, projects, quizzes, and tests.
- Late work will receive a late penalty of 10-point deduction per day down to a 65%. I will accept late minor grades for up to one week after the original due date. After this point, late assignments will no longer be accepted. Instead, opportunities for bonus points will be offered every term, but don’t rely on bonus points alone to save your grade.
- Neatness, spelling, and grammar will be considered in the evaluation of student work.
- Grading
- Chapter Tests, Projects, and Section Quizzes=66%
- Daily Work, Homework, Titan Blasters=34%
Your conduct will be monitored by yourself and by your teacher. Each time you do not follow the classroom guidelines it will be documented.
First Offense – Student conference - I will annotate a behavioral notice for the first warning and fill out a Student Behavior Form
Second Offense - For the second warning you will get a behavioral notice and a phone call or email to your parent- a second Student Behavior Form will be filled out.
Third Offense - On the instance of your third infraction you will get a behavioral notice and a phone call or e-mail to your parent.
Any offense afterwards will receive an office referral and you will NOT be exempt from the final exam.
Behavior that warrants immediate action from teachers or administration will receive an Office Referral.