Welcome to Rosa Scott School
Steps to Complete Pre-Registration
Step 1
Review the Madison County School Secondary Course Offerings 2024-2025. These are located on the Rosa Scott webpage or in the 8th Grade Student Pre-Registration Canvas page.
Step 2
Review the Madison County School Career Academy Course Offerings 2024-2025. These are located on the Rosa Scott webpage or in the 8th Grade Student Pre-Registration Canvas page. Review the informational videos on the Madison County Career & Technical Center and the JROTC program.
Step 3
Review the information on selection for band, football, choir, and other sports. These are located on the 8th Grade Student Pre-Registration Canvas page.
Step 4
Mark your course on the trifold that was distributed for your review.
Step 5
Mark your selection for an Academy if you plan to apply. If you do not plan to apply, write you are “not interested at this time.”
Step 6
Transfer your selections to the colored sheet provided. Make sure you select enough courses to fill 8 blocks.
Step 7
Select 3 alternate courses in case your original selections do not make or there is a scheduling conflict.
Step 8
If you plan to try out for a sport, list what sport, then tell us what course(s) to drop if you make the team.
Step 9
Both the student and parent must sign and date the selections.
Step 10
The Rosa Scott counselors will be at Madison Middle to review and enter your selections. All information is on the student’s Canvas 8th Grade Pre-registration.