Mr. Boteler
Welcome Message
Welcome to United States History! This year we will actively learn, think, and discuss. History allows us to know where we came from and how we got to where we are today, especially US History. Students will be challenged to think about the different chapters of our country's past. We will hopefully learn a lot from each other as we look back. History allows us to learn and improve so that we may be better prepared for our future.
Mr. Boteler
About the Teacher
I am entering in my 20th year at Madison Central as a teacher, however I have been here longer. I attended MC as a student, graduating in 1998. I played both basketball and tennis at MC. From there I went to Mississippi College and also earned my masters in Education of Social Sciences while I served as graduate assistant coach on the tennis team at Mississippi College.
I have taught US History for the past sixteen years. It is my favorite topic and I truly enjoy teaching the subject. I also serve as head tennis coach and sponsor the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and Student Government Association (SGA).
I am thankful to have a job that I love and produces new "opportunities and challenges" each and every day. I look forward to working with your child this year.
Brad Boteler