The National Beta Club is a student honor society whose members display outstanding academic achievement, character, and citizenship. The mission of the National Beta Club is "to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students."
To be considered for membership, students must have a minimum 3.6 GPA and exhibit strong personal character. Throughout the year, members will participate in various service projects, including collecting clothing for MadCAAP, adopting children/families for the holiday season to provide their Christmas gifts, sorting and packing boxes for distribution at Mississippi Food Network, and helping raise both funds and awareness for cancer research at Relay for Life. In addition, many students participate in service projects outside of Beta Club, both on their own and through other organizations.
Members are responsible for paying their membership fee at time of joining, which includes local and national dues, as well as their MCHS Beta Club t-shirt.
Students are required to have at least 12 hours of service credit annually. There will be several opportunities for students to gain credit through Beta Club. Details will be discussed at our first meeting.
MCHS Beta Club meets regularly on the first Thursday of each month at 7:45 in the Cafetorium. From time to time, we may call special meetings (usually on Thursdays) if we have something important to discuss.
Monica Johnson
Mindi Cook
Please contact one of us if you have any questions!